... for me to want to name my new bike "Daisy"?
Daisy, as some of you may recall, is the name of my beautiful, beautiful '95 Eagle Summit wagon, who not only got me to work faithfully every day, but also kept me company on many a journey up and down Iowa's Great River Road.
She's currently living in Wisconsin with my parents.
I miss her every day.
Anyway, so I got this bike, and I've tried to name it several different things, some of which were cute and clever, etc., but nothing sticks, nothing, and I've finally realized that I have a hard time calling "that cute, dependable thing in my life on an undetermined number of wheels that gets me where I need to go and provides fun and good times along the way" anything but "Daisy."
So what do you think? Maybe "Daisy Junior"?
Anyway, the-as-yet-unnamed-new-bike and I went out for our
first big spin together today (the Great Falls trip was on a borrowed bike, back before I acquired this beauty). We did the "
Zoo Review" trail, up Capital Crescent and then
down through Rock Creek Park. I discovered about halfway into the ride (though I could've found out beforehand, I just wasn't paying attention) that once you get past Bethesda, the CC trail isn't paved anymore. And it rained last night. Soooo we got a little muddy. I spent the trip back down through Rock Creek trying to figure out if I looked silly or bad-ass, all covered in mud speckles. I'm going to go with "bad-ass".
I haven't blogged in a long time. :-/
But you know, check all the other blogs you read (assuming you read other blogs). I'm guessing they haven't blogged much lately either.
That's because it's a busy time of year, and everyone is too busy to blog. But now that present buying/wrapping/opening is all over, I have time to write. And you have time to read! AND and, I bet you're looking for something to do besides pay attention at work. It's hard to go back after some lovely time off, isn't? So this is going to go really well.
It would be too much to try catch up on all the stuff I haven't blogged about for the past month and a half... so I'm not going to bother trying, and if you want to
know the story about me having to drive home from DC for Christmas, you're just going to have to give me a call and ask.
I know, right?
There are pictures available
here, along with picture of lots of other things I haven't captioned yet. Because I've been busy. Ok.
I did have an absolutely wonderful Christmas... best ever, maybe, since all of us knew we'd already gotten what we'd all wanted most: a transplant.
... and also, maybe, a snowstorm.